Transfer of Property is a regular phenomenon in Indian society which is done in various ways. The transfer of Property can be done through sale deed, gift deed, will, release, settlement, partition etc. But, it is not as simple as it looks because the process and modes of transferring contains numerous complexities. This is known as ‘Conveyance. Now, a document of transfer of property needs to be registered and appropriate stamp duty is supposed to be paid. The registration of documents includes execution, presentation and admission of the same which is a complex process and should be done with utmost care. A deed is a written document or an instrument that is sealed, signed and delivered by all parties to the contract (buyer and seller). It is a contractual document that includes legally valid terms, and is enforceable in a court of law. It is mandatory that a deed should be in writing, and that both parties involved must sign the document. The Document is required to contain the following: